Coronavirus Force Facebook to Cancel its Marketing Summit

The fear of Coronovirus did not spare even Facebook, and the leading social marketer has recently cancelled its marketing summit. The summit was originally arranged for the initial week of March in San Francisco, USA. A whopping number of 4000 people from well-known tech companies were expected to join the summit. Following the significant concern, IBM also cancelled its forthcoming RSA conference scheduled to be held on 24 February. The subsequent  RSA conference was anticipated as one of the most significant events regarding technical attribute in the world as 40,000 people were expected to partake in it.

The proclamation about the subsequent news has been come out from Facebook venture. As their spokesman, Mr Anthony Harrison stated that Health and Safety is a priority of their company and due to the ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus in the world, they are cancelling the summit. Reuters and San Francisco Chronicle are the first one to announce about the news.

Coronavirus Force Facebook to Cancel its Marketing Summit

Similarly, the officials of the IBM stated about cancelling of their RSA Conference that safety and health of their team is their primary concern and following the circumstances, cancelling the Cybersecurity conference is the best resort. Several people who were planning to attend the Conference also stated that they are waiting for the new date to come and the organizers of RSA Conference also said that they would schedule the Conference through the guidance of major health organizations.

The result of this significant outbreak has also effect the Smartphone Industry as one of their essential Conference of Barcelona has already been cancelled due to Coronavirus. The mobile tech event is one of the most significant events that draws numerous gadget lovers. Additionally, there are several rumours that this year event is going to unveil several new phones with 5G competency. However, now we all need to wait to know about these new devices and gadgets.

The devastation through Coronavirus is affecting the world as numerous lives in China has already been lost. Alongside, several additional countries have also announced about increasing number of patients in there. Doctors have named Coronavirus as SARS-CoV-2, and its first case came out in December 2019 in Hubei China. Now the total number of patients in China is more than 66,292, whereas COVID also hit various parts of the US causing 19 cases as of now.

Although several doctors and scientists in significant parts of the world are trying to seek an antidote to counteract Coronavirus, its cure is still unfound. We all need to be aware and take specific measures to save ourselves from this major epidemic. Several hygienic preventions have already been discussed by WHO to adopt to get rid of infecting to this virus. The major outbreak that began from China has delayed several promising events, and thus, we need to wait about what more destruction it caused to all of us.

Aida Martin  is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding  and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.


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