New Detective Pikachu Casting Teaser Trailer Reveals More Than 30 Pokemon

Every Pokemon fan is looking forward to seeing the upcoming Detective Pikachu movie, and the new Casting trailer for the film has excited each and every fan as it featured over 30 different Pokemon in a new 3D art form.

Pokemon fans are pretty excited to see the awesome new realistic avatars of their beloved Pokemon. Surely a lot of hard work has been put into the development of these 3D Pokemon avatars and designers at Warner Bros. have indeed resurrected the virtual charters into the real world experience.

New Detective Pikachu Casting Teaser Trailer Reveals More Than 30 Pokemon

By viewing the Uncanny Valley in the trailer, it becomes fascinating, and the trailer indeed proves to reflect the old fantasy coming alive.

 After the first trailer for the new Detective Pikachu movie, Warner Bro. have received some fantastic response from the fans around the world. To please such excited fans, the studio has unveiled a new casting trailer which showcased some exciting new Pokemon and teased more than 30 different Pokemon from the franchise.

The new screen test trailer for Detective Pikachu featured a slew of Pokemon being cast by various Pokemon posing in front of a camera with proper light setting and back relay.

Casting trailer was actually showing a different set of Pokemon one by one. Initially, it seemed that two or three Pokemon would be displayed in the trailer, but surprisingly enough after the initial ten seconds, a cascade of different Pokemon was shown rapidly featuring various funny moments.

The starting few Pokemon even had different on-screen text providing information regarding the 3D Pokemon in front of the camera during the casting process. Casting trailer showed Pokemon like Jigglypuff, Pancham, Venusaur, Pikachu, Psyduck, Eevee, Charizard to just name a few.

Many Pokemon even got some actual screen test like Pikachu and Psyduck had a brief interaction, and Cubone was also caught in a Pokeball. The trailer did not stop here and even featured a cute Squirtle who was trying to chase an air bubble.

Many unseen Pokemon were also shown in this new casting trailer and gave a glance of how awesome new 3D art movies can turn out to be. The exciting aspect of this trailer showed the tremendous technological advancement made in the movie-making industry as they were able to create such realistic environment that the old Pokemon characters come to life with the new 3D character development.

It would be a treat to experience the upcoming Detective Pokemon movie, and surely it would make a remarkable impact on the Pokemon franchise. Until then fans can view the new casting trailer which is live on social media platforms and enjoy the childhood moments come to life.

Aida Martin is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.



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