Apex Legends: Quit Penalty Accidentally Activated With Recent Update

It is not unusual to come across an opponent who leaves a match in any popular online game. This mostly ends up irritating regular players who are looking for some intense gameplay.

Apex Legends have previously declared that they are well aware of players quitting matches in between and have decided to introduce some new means to resolve this uprising future problem.

Apex Legends: Quit Penalty Accidentally Activated With Recent Update

And the recent update has indeed shown some initial effects of this new feature as the latest update for Apex Legends accidentally included the Quit Penalty feature which temporarily sets a reset time for players who quit their matches in between.

The Quit Penalty feature was planned to feature later down the season one, but the recent patch accidentally enabled this feature which in return actually penalized the players who left there match in between.

But quickly enough an update was posted on the official Subreddit account of Apex Legends suggesting that the new Quit Plenty feature was activated before its actual designated time. It has immediately been deactivated until the developers conduct proper testing of this feature and assure that this new tool works according to the requirements.

The new 1.1 updates have indeed brought across some very helpful tools and features to ease the gaming experience for Apex Legends fans and Respawn has tried to ensure that a player can have all the tools required to enhance their gameplay.

The Apex Legends title features three members in a squad, and each and every teammate makes a difference during an in-game battle, so even if a single player leaves the match, then it could ruin the entire game for the other two members. To stop this from happening the team of developers at Respawn are working hard to develop a new tool which can help in ensuring no player leaves there match until the opponent has killed them.

Additional features in the 1.1 update include inviting Squad players from last battle, Mute Option on the main screen and quick invite option at friends menu which aims at customizing and easing a gamer in-game experience while playing the title.

These new features will help Apex Legends players to interact with some of the best players and ignore the ones who are not having the required synergy. By adding such features, the Squad mode in Apex Legends would experience a tremendous boost as players will be able to interact much better with each other in the game.

But ultimately the in-game quit issue needs to be addressed, and surely Respawn is working on to resolving this problem as soon as possible to provide a much better and reliable gaming experience to its fans. Let’s see how soon Apex Legends reintroduces its fans with the improved Quit Penalty feature in the game.

Aida Martin is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.


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