How to Link Your Bank Account on Amazon Pay

On Amazon, you can buy different products for men and women, electronics, cosmetics, groceries and many other products. You can link your bank account with Amazon account by going through the option to enter your personal details. You can do this by going to the setting page of Amazon located on the upper side of your display, choose the Account Detail on the menu list. Press the Deposit Method option which will safely help you to link your cards detail with your Amazon account. Linking the details of the card make your payments for the product easier. Find the process of adding card details to Amazon Account given below:

How to Link Your Bank Account on Amazon Pay

Inserting Cards Details to Amazon Account
  • Login to Amazon seller ID. Enter your cards details to Amazon seller ID to move the cash back to your bank account.
  • Open the official website of Amazon and then log in to Amazon ID to go to the payment settings webpage.
  • Type your valid email ID and the protected password in the given column. Tap Sign in using the secure server option provided at the end of the Amazon page.
  • Visit the Seller Account Information column. Navigate the mouse towards Settings button given on the top side of the Amazon account. Various options will appear in the menu list.
  • Choose Account Information option. After that, the page of “Seller Account Information” will open automatically.
  • Go down to see the Deposit Method option given on the left column of the page. This will offer an option for inserting your cards details in Amazon account.
  • Press Edit option present on the right side of “Deposit Method” option.
  • Choose a location where your bank is situated by going through the pull-down list on the ride side of “Bank Location Country.” Enter the bank name like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, etc.
  • Enter the cardholder name.
  • Make sure the name you have entered in the cardholder section and the account holder name should be same.
  • Type nine-digit code and the card number of your bank in the given section.
  • Click Continue on the details you had entered. Press the Verify tab to complete the confirmation process.
  • Amazon takes three days to confirm your card details. Once it confirms the details you had entered, it will go to your “Deposit Method” option, and getting the payment through Amazon into your account.

Aida Martin is a self-professed security expert; She has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at

Source:- amazon pay 


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