How to Reduce Fire TV Stick Data Usage
Fire TV Stick is a device that can be plugged into your HDMI support TV and stream any shows, TV series, or movies from online to directly on your TV. Fire TV Stick users might know that it consumes a lot of data, more than you might anticipate. If you are someone who has a limited amount of data per month that gets consumed by streaming online like this, you might want to monitor your data consumption first. To do so, go to your Settings> Preferences > Data Monitoring> Data Monitoring> Monthly Top Data Usage, which will show you the amount of data consumed each month.
If you particularly want to know about the data that each app has been consuming, go to Settings> Preferences> Data Monitoring> Data Monitoring and switch on the toggle. You’ll be able to see the data consumption.
Now that you know that the apps have consumed massive amounts of data on Fire TV Stick, let’s get to resolve this issue. You can tweak a few settings to a good quality stream with less data consumption.
Tweak Video-Quality
You may want to stream good quality video while saving some data. Like YouTube, Fire Stick’s video quality can also be tweaked by changing the Best video-quality to Good or Better video-quality. While Best video-quality consumes 6.48-7GB per hour, Better and Good video-quality consume only0.7-1.4GB per hour and 0.3-0.38GB per hour, respectively, depending upon the app you are using. To change the settings, go to Menu > Preferences> Data Monitoring> Data Monitoring> Set Video Quality, and tweak it to your preference.
App Auto-Updates
Amazon’s Fire TV Stick has an in-built App Store. The streaming stick is, by default, configured to auto-updating the apps. This enables you to stay up-to-date with the apps you have, but it also consumes space and data. To disable this feature:
- Go to Settings and select Applications.
- Select the App Store from the drop-down page.
- Click on Automatic Updates and turn off the toggle.
Disconnect Internet Ads
You can notice ads on the homepage that are curated by Amazon. There is no graph or data to know how much data those random ads consume, but they certainly add up to the data consumption level. You can disable those ads in the settings menu.
- Select ‘Preferences’ and tap on privacy settings.
- Tap on ‘Interest-Based Apps’ and switch off the toggle.
Disable Auto-Play
On the Home Page, you’ll find trailers of Amazon Prime movies playing automatically. While you get updated with the latest trailers and content, it consumes a lot of data in the backdrop. Disabling these auto-playing videos can save you a lot of data. To disable this, you’ll again have to:
- Go to the Settings Page and click on Preferences.
- Tap on the Featured Content option and switch off the Allow Video Play and Allow Audio Play option.
Following all these tricks will save your internet bandwidth, over a period of time, without compromising on the quality of the content.
Aida Martin has diverse interests that range from writing to video games. She has always had a strong passion for writing. She likes to write about games, tech events, security, and whitepapers. Her vast and varied knowledge aided by her supreme writing skills, have made her a powerful writer at
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